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About Us

Welcome To was born in 2020 out of the desire to decipher innovations, technology and news from updated information to transmit all the keys needed in a world in constant change.

At a time when mistrust is at the top and information is increasingly complex, is betting today, even more than yesterday, on deciphering the great news and innovations across the categories: Technology, Gadgets, Gaming, Cybersecurity and more…

Our Mission

Our Slashdotblog mission is to provide you Encourage the development of a sober mind and support all citizens in their search for the truth. wants to retransmit the correct information with the only compass in technology.

Our Passion

Explore the world, on a quark scale, in the heart of AI, in the intimacy of the latest connected technology, from the pinnacle of sustainable energy, AI, the IoT, or millions of light-years away.

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