Create a Fashion Blog

Creating a Fashion blog is very trendy, and now is an excellent time to start yours. First, you need to know how to create one. With a bit of information and a little effort, you can begin your WordPress fashion blog and earn money.

How to Create a Fashion Blog?

Creating a fashion blog is not complicated at all. It is a matter of putting in the desire and following the steps that we indicate below. You will see that it is not as difficult as you imagined. If you are a lover of fashion trends, you will see that creating your portal to talk about the latest from the big luxury firms or your favorite clothes from the influencers is not complicated.

You need to make an effort, define your style, and differentiate yourself from the rest of the fashion blogs to create a niche for yourself.

To create your fashion blog

  • Think of a name and register your domain.
  • Choose the right platform.
  • Shape your blog: design and functionalities.
  • Publish your first post.
  • Work on SEO and gain visibility.
  • Make perfections and start making your blog profitable.
  • Let’s look at each of them in more detail below.


Think of a Name and Register your Domain

Indeed you already have a name in mind to give your fashion blog. If you previously had a Twitter or Instagram account where you share all your looks and people know you, you can use that same name or username for your blog and ensure that the name you want to use does not coincide with any registered trademark. In addition, it has to be a unique and original name.

Do you already have the name? Now register it?

Registering your domain is essential to secure your name on the Internet and prevent someone else from taking it. Check that it is free, and voila!


If it is the first domain you buy and you are unsure what rules to follow, here are seven mistakes to avoid when selecting a domain name. In addition to the traditional .com or .es extensions, remember that other extensions can fit perfectly with a fashion blog. Some alternatives are .blog, .moda, or, for example, the .style extension, which has gained quite a few followers in recent years.

Choose the Right Platform

Now that you have the domain choose the right platform. For this, we propose these two options:

WordPress: the recommended option. Did you know that WordPress is the most used CMS worldwide? There is no uncertainty that WordPress is still one of the favourite options for creating an online business, from an online store using Woo Commerce, a corporate website, or a blog like you want to start up.

Website Builder – Using a website builder tool is also a great option to get started fast and not get bogged down with technical stuff. For example, with GoDaddy’s Website Builder, you have the functionality available to create your blog. Here’s a stepwise guide on starting a blog with our Website Builder.

Shape your Blog: Design and Features

If you choose a web creation tool, you have it very quickly. You already have predesigned web pages in which you have to select the colours or themes that best suit you.

Choose a Template for your Fashion Blog

In the official WordPress repository, you have many free resources at your disposal, including templates or themes that will give your blog an expert appearance. Then, access and filter the results by “Subject” – “Blog.”

In the following post, you can look at a compilation of the best WordPress templates for this year. Anyway, here are three blog themes that may fit what you’re looking for:

  • Styled Lite is a perfect and professional-looking theme for starting your blog.
  • Anima: is fully responsive, easily customisable, and with a clean design.
  • Activello – Another well-designed responsive WordPress theme that

What Plugins will I Need?

Like the templates, you can add plugins if you opt for WordPress. These plugins will allow you to add new features to your blog without having technical knowledge or touching your WordPress code. And believe me, you have a plugin for any functionality you can think of; there are over 50,000. If you are going to create a fashion blog, some plugins that you have to install almost at the beginning are:

  • an excellent caching plugin is essential to optimise the loading times of your blog. You don’t want your friends to leave your blog because it takes too long to load, do you? For example, WP Fantastic Cache or W3 Total Cache can help you.
  • A plugin for images: images are the main protagonists in a fashion blog. Don’t let them affect the performance of your blog, and use a plugin like EWWW Image Optimizer to optimise them.
  • An anti-spam plugin: Akismet is a great option to eliminate those annoying spam comments that can invade your blog.
  • A plugin to connect your social networks: SumoMe or AddToAny Share Button are two excellent options to enhance social buttons to your blog and combine it with your Instagram account, Twitter, or Facebook page.

Publish your First Post

Therefore, you have your domain and your web hosting platform, and you have worked on the design and functionalities of your blog. It’s time to start writing! Are you clear about your target audience? Who do you want to address? For example, do you prefer to focus on young people between 16 and 24 years old or on a more adult segment of the population between 30 and 45 years old? Men, women, or both? Purchasing power? What style or brands do they follow? You should be able to answer all of these questions before you begin.

So, you must understand who you are targeting to create your content.

Make a list with good ideas to write on your blog or keywords for which you want to position. For example:

  • The best party looks.
  • Great fashion quotes.
  • The best looks of the winter sales.
  • Three stunning trends for this spring.
  • How to combine a turtleneck sweater.
  • The latest trends in urban fashion.
  • The best daily looks of this week.
  • The favourite garments of the icons of the fashion world.

The Quality of your Images is a Decisive Factor

The best fashion blogs are committed to taking care of the quality of their images, and also it is that photographs play a decisive role in your project. Through the photos, you will be able to convey who you are, your tastes, and your personality; they capture the user’s attention; they are everything! That is why significant how to create the perfect image will help you connect even more with your audience.

How can I Publish my Post?

In WordPress, you have an editor with functionalities similar to Google Docs or Microsoft Office 365. Please enter the text, add your images, establish the categories and labels you want to classify your content, and publish it.

Indeed if you are starting, you still combine the blog with your work or any other activity, so you must know that you can schedule the entries issue on the date you choose.

Work on SEO and Gain Visibility

It is clear that, in the fashion sector, social networks are an essential source of traffic. Though, it would help if you did not ignore the potential of search engines, specifically Google. An optimised hosting plan for WordPress, setting up permalinks, optimising your images, using a caching plugin, or making a good backlink strategy on your Website are just some fundamental techniques for SEO.

Pro Tip: A SEO plugin like Yoast SEO is a staple on your blog. This plugin will analyse your content based on the keywords you have chosen and offers you recommendations so that you can optimise it to the maximum. An SEO tool can also help you. For example, with GoDaddy Search Engine Visibility, you will have access to keywords that you can use in your content strategy to appear on the first page of search results.

Make Improvements and Start Monetising your Fashion Blog

If you want to have a blog on fashion, travel, or any other topic that comes to mind, you must remember that you need to dedicate time to it if you want it to work. Over time you will realise that the work on a blog never ends. There are always improvements or changes that you want to implement, make updates, add new sections, and create new strategies.

Includes a Contact Form

An excellent way to monetise your blog is to associate with a brand. So why not give him every possible contact option?

Creating a contact form using a form builder will help you provide an additional means of contact for your followers or potential partners. Still, it is also an excellent way to get leads on your Website and show a more professional image.

Join an Affiliate Program

So, if you want to make your blog gainful, have you thought about the possibility of joining an affiliate program? Many clothing and accessory brands have affiliate programs that may interest you. As you have more visits and clients, you will see how your income will also grow thanks to these collaborations with the world of fashion.

Post Ads on your Fashion Blog

So, if you think that an affiliate program is not your thing, how about advertising on your blog?

Google AdSense is one of the best platforms to include ads on your blog. As a result, many top fashion blogs have joined this form of monetisation.

The main advantage of this Google tool is that ads relevant to your audience will always show, whether they are text ads or display ads. Also, if you don’t want a specific ad to be delivered, you can reject it without problems.


It is unnecessary to be a great computer scientist, much less. Just follow the steps we’ve just seen, and also, you’ll be able to do it without a hitch.