School ERP – Examination time is hectic and scary, not only for the students but also for the school administration and teachers. There are lots of tasks and arrangements that need to be done before, during, and even after the exams. All these tasks and arrangements need to be made in order without any mistakes. Today school ERP, a school management system, is there to help school administrators and teachers to organize exams without much hassle and error.
School ERP or School Management System is a cloud-based system whose central purpose is to manage various activities of the school. It has several modules for every activity, the module which helps in managing the examinations is the exam management system of school ERP. But the question is how it makes exam management possible.
Read the article to know how school ERP helps in exam management.
Table of Contents
Easy Question Paper Making:
Making question papers for every subject, every class, and every stream is not an easy task. Teachers of every grade and subject need to go through the syllabus, create the blueprint of questions, get approval from the administrator and then finally make the actual question paper. Using the exam management module of school ERP teachers can do all these tasks with a few simple clicks. From creating a blueprint to an actual question paper it all can be done online.
Pre- Examination Assistance:
After the students get informed about the dates of the examination, schools, and teachers start preparing for the day of the actual examination. Before the actual examination occurs school administration has to make arrangements like allotting exam roll numbers, publishing admit cards and making arrangements for online examinations. With the help of the exam management system of ERP, school administration can prepare admit cards, automatically allot the exam roll numbers, etc. And students can get all this information sent to them through emails and messages.
Streamlined Exam Process:
The day of the examination is the most crucial, all of your planning and preparations will get tested today. And as many teachers and administrators work on the smooth execution of exams there are some mistakes bound to happen. However, if you use the school ERP system to manage your exam process, it will streamline the whole process making it smoother and swifter to work on, both for the students and for the teachers.
Customized Grading System:
Now that the exams are done, the major task that teachers are left with grading the answer sheets. And teachers know that grading answer sheets are not a walk in the park, it takes 5-10 minutes to grade each answer sheet. But using the automated grading system of the exam management system this work can be done within a few seconds. And the best part is that this system also has the feature of writing customized grading and feedback. Teachers can assign marks to the students based on their answers and write customized feedback. The feedback will help the students know their strong and weak points, this way they can improve themselves.
Accurate Results:
Now, as mentioned earlier, the grading of the student’s answer sheet will be done automatically using the ERP software, which means there would not be any errors in the grading. This means that the result that would be prepared will be error-free and will give teachers, students and parents real insight to the academic progress and skill level of students. This result will be prepared online and can be shared with parents via mail too.
Create Classroom Result:
After the result of all the students have been announced and given to them, teachers need to assess the performance of students as class. For this they can use the report analysis feature of software for school management which has all the details of every student like, attendance detail, course progress report, assignment and exam scores. Using all this information and the using report card feature teachers then can create the result of the whole classroom as a group. This result is one that can be posted online on the classroom board or the school website. This result can be accessed by anyone, from teachers to parents.