Taking Care of your Customers is the center of your business; make your strategies revolve around them more than attract new ones. Their recommendations and loyalty will make you grow faster and more sustainably.
We all know how difficult it is to get a new client. There is increasing competition, and customers are more demanding. The price, quality, customer service, the range of services/products offered, etc., are compared.
User experience is a critical factor that should be top of mind every day. The user will be able to forget certain oversights on the part of the companies, but he will never forget the experience he has had and how they have made him feel.
Here are some ideas to take care of your current customers.
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Cultivate the Relationship with your Customers
knowing that getting new customers is much more expensive than keeping it accurate. Customer experience is the main aspect of keeping clients with the ultimate goal of increasing customers, business nowadays uses CRM software for better management.
A customer who has already tried your product and is satisfied with it is more likely to buy from you again than someone who doesn’t know you. Follow up with your current customers, keep in touch with them, call them from time to time to say hello, and don’t stop being detailed with them. You will see that they will come back again to buy from you.
Add Value to your Offer
I must insist on this strategy as one of the most functional. Surround your product or service with additional offers that you know your customer needs. For example, if you sell design, you can also offer your client the printing service.
Your client will find it more comfortable to have a provider that solves not only one problem but several of them.
Integrate Links to your Website or Blog
Have you captured your customer’s attention yet? Now take him to know you better through your website. In this way, you will not saturate your social profiles with information. Make sure you integrate widgets that allow you to continue the conversation with the customer through Facebook or Twitter and make your contact forms friendly and easy to fill out.
The client is no longer just another number in your database; he is different from others. Do not forget this once you have managed to make him your client, personalize your treatment with him; you should already know what he needs, how he likes things, and his consumption style. He always personalizes his brand experience with you.
Develop Personal Ties with your Customers
If you can cross the professional barrier and start treating your client as a colleague or friend, you will establish much more secure and lasting bonds of trust. Invite them out of business from time to time, lunch or breakfast, or a sporting or cultural event. Live with them outside of work.
Innovate your Business
You must always consider both the market and the competition are changing, and you must adapt to these changes and your products or services. Innovate whenever you can. Offer new ways to meet your customers’ needs, use your knowledge about them, and get ahead with new services. It will make you one step forward in the competition.
Never Stop Investigating
Information is the basis of the success of any business; establish plans to keep you systematically and constantly informed of your customer’s satisfaction. Apply periodic surveys of how they feel about your services or products. At least once a year, seriously investigate the competition and check out what they do and how they offer it. All this will help you always to stay alert and your business healthy.
Keep your Customer Coming Back
The sales cycle of a service or product does not end when the first purchase; it ends when that customer returns once to buy from you. From there you can consider the after-sales service. Please do not lose the vision that a new client still does not have loyalty to your brand and is constantly bombarded by the competition; take care of him and give him constant follow-up.
Share Images of your Business and Products
Another way to bring users closer is by showing them who you are, how you do it, and your interests (focused on customer benefits). A company that has managed to positively approach consumers via social networks is General Electric, even though their products are not particularly “pretty” to show or explain their functions.
however, they have managed to adapt communication to a language understandable to all, whether it is presenting ultra-advanced technologies, talking about renewable energies, or giving attention to a client whose the washing machine broke down.
Provide Post-Sale Service
Social networks give us a significant advantage over other media: immediacy. So please take the opportunity to thank the user for following you on Twitter, sharing your content on Facebook, spending some of their time giving you an opinion, or even making a complaint. Each of these interactions is a way to strengthen relationships and thus really create a dynamic community around your brand.
Don’t Promise him What you can’t keep
If we make false promises, trust breaks, and the client will feel cheated. They need to feel safe and know that we are trustworthy people. Credibility will be our greatest weapon!
Build Long-Term Relationship
Building long-term relationships are one of the best strategies you can apply to your company. The tremendous current challenge for a company is not to attract customers, to retain our existing customers, therefore, a commitment to the future to start working from now!
Of course, in customer service, not everything is rosy. Some companies are afraid to “open the doors” through social networks instead of using them. However, complaints can give rise to positive interactions: if you consider them, the customer feels cared for and listens to and can even change their perception. The key is to show openness, dialogue, and attention: consider before making another publication on social networks.