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Digital Marketing Write For Us – Contribute or Submit A Post

Digital Marketing Write For Us

digital marketing

Digital marketing is a system that allows you to promote the products or facilities of a brand through the Internet, using online channels and tools strategically to help achieve the general business objectives of the company.

Digital marketing arises as a result of the transition from web 1.0  (formed by static content controlled by companies in a similar way to traditional media) to web 2.0, in which users can interact, and their voice begins to be necessary. The concept “of digital marketing” started to be used for the first time in the 90s.

Advantages of Digital Marketing

Measurable results

In traditional marketing, it isn’t easy to attribute results to specific campaigns and pinpoint precisely what’s going on. On the other hand, in digital marketing, we have practically real-time data on each user action. It makes it possible to keep precise control of the most relevant metrics for our business and measure the return on investment of each of our campaigns.


We can also implement actions in a brief period by measuring results in real-time. This allows us to correct course if something is not working and quickly adapt to any unforeseen event.

More precise segmentation

The classic advertisements on television, radio, the press, or outdoor advertising are addressed to an undifferentiated audience. Still, a company’s products are usually only of interest to certain customers, leading to wasted impressions and budget. In contrast, with digital marketing, we can target ads with great precision to exactly reach the target audience.

Knowledge of your customers

It allows companies of all kinds to dialogue with their customers. It is no longer necessary to do expensive market research to find out what they think: we can ask them directly or even monitor their conversations with other users about the brand. All this knowledge helps us adapt our offer and campaigns to hit the nail on the head.

Extended reach

With digital marketing, the radius of action of a business is no longer limited to its immediate environment, but we can reach users from anywhere in the world. If we combine this with the possibility of selling online, the growth potential is enormous.

Less intrusive

Traditional marketing is based on “bombarding” the user with advertising impacts, while in digital marketing, the user can choose whether or not to interact with the brand.


Digital marketing allows us to develop close relationships with customers and nurture them through repeated impacts, which helps us foster brand loyalty.

Cost effectiveness

It is within reach of companies of all sizes. There are channels and strategies for all tastes, and it is possible to start having an online presence for free or with meager costs.

strategies of digital marketing

Content Marketing

Content marketing consists of creating texts, audios, videos, interactive elements, or other formats to educate, inform or entertain a brand’s potential customers.

Email marketing

Email marketing consists of sending a message directly by email to users who are part of the brand’s database .

This channel stands out for its incredible versatility since it can be used for various campaigns and actions: sending promotions or discounts, training potential customers, requesting donations, launching loyalty campaigns, and much more.

Social networks

Social networks have been part of online marketing since the 2000s when sites like Orkut and, later, Facebook began to become popular.

This networks bring together billions of users, making them a virtual channel for brands that want to communicate with their audience. In addition, by having a large amount of data about the users who use them, social networks allow the launch of advertising campaigns with a very high level of  segmentation

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Search Related Terms to Digital Marketing Write For Us

B2B Digital Marketing

B2C Digital Marketing

Bing Advertising

Brand Awareness

Brand Equity

Competitive Analysis

[Digital Marketing Automation]

[Digital Marketing Metrics]

Email Marketing

Facebook Advertising

Affiliate Marketing

Content Strategy

CRM or Customer Relationship Management

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