The Ministry of Social Affairs has provide a social assistance check service page at http //cek bansos.siks.kemsos.go id with the aim that the public can independently check whether a person is register as a recipient of social assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs. It is a form of transparency for the Ministry of Social Affairs in distributing social aid.

Social assistance that can be checked on the page include:

  • PKH (Hope Family Program)
  • BPNT (Non-Cash Food Aid) / Basic Food Assistance
  • BST (Cash Social Assistance) but this program has stopped because it used to be a program to overcome the impact of covid
  • PBI-JK (Participant of Health Insurance Contribution Assistance) or KIS (Healthy Indonesia Card)
  • BLT BBM (Direct Cash Assistance for Fuel Price Increase). This assistance is temporary or is distribute in only two stages to overcome the impact of rising fuel prices.

How to Check Social Assistance via HP, Login to http //cek bansos.siks.kemsos.go id

Social Assistance, SOLO – Here’s how to check whether your name is register as a social assistance recipient. In addition, will also provide tutorials on overcoming the problem of non-liquid social assistance. The government began to distribute social aid to the community as a cushion for the increase in fuel prices. The social service provided by the government also targets various groups, ranging from poor people and MSME actors to workers with salaries below Rp. 3.5 million. For the BLT BBM social assistance, the public can pick it up at the nearest POS office by bringing the invitation that was given earlier.

Meanwhile, for the recipients of the Salary Subsidy BSU. The subsidy money of Rp600 thousand will be channeled through Himbara banks, namely BRI, BTN, Mandiri, and BNI. To see whether you are registere as a recipient of the BLT BBM social assistance, you need to click on the website Meanwhile, if you are a worker waiting for a salary subsidy, you can check it at

How to see the 2022 BBM BLT Recipients via – The government will continue distributing direct fuel oil cash assistance (BLT BBM) in 2022. So far, BLT BBM has been allocate to 8,179,000 people in 461 districts and cities throughout Indonesia.

“I need to say that until today, the government has distributed (BLT BBM to) 8,179,000 people, and it has increased to 461 districts and cities. Yesterday there were 431 (regions), now 461 (regions),” said President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), as quoted from previous reports.

Thursday (15/9/2022). For information, social assistance (bansos) BLT BBM 2022 is given in the amount of Rp. 300,000 twice or a total of Rp. 600,000, which is paid in two stages through the Indonesian Post Office. Regarding the list of recipients of the 2022 BBM BLT social assistance. It is http //cek bansos.siks.kemsos.go id refers to the Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS) of the Department of Social Affairs (Kemensos). This data is open to the public and can be access online.

How to check the recipients of the 2022 Ministry of Social BLT BBM?

The steps for checking the recipients of the Ministry of Social BLT BBM BLT social assistance online through the page and the Check Bansos application are as follows:

 1. Website

How to check the recipients of the 2022 BBM BLT social support through the official website, do the following steps:

  • Access the website http //cek bansos.siks.kemsos.go id
  • Enter the data on the beneficiary area consisting of the province, district/city, sub-district, village, and name of the beneficiary according to the ID card, and type in the eight letters of the available captcha code
  • Ensure the data entered is correct, then click the “Search Data” button.

2. The Ministry of Social Social Assistance Check Application

Meanwhile, the way to check the recipients of BLT BBM from the Ministry of Social Affairs in 2022 through the Check Bansos application is as follows:

  • Download the Social Assistance Check application
  • To access the list of BLT BBM beneficiaries, you must have an account that can be create by clicking the “Create Account” button
  • Fill in the information according to the population data because it will be match with data from the Population and Civil Registration Service (Dukcapil), including uploading a photo of your ID card. Verify the account using the OTP code sent via the email address
  • Next, login or enter the Check Bansos application using the registered account
  • Click the “Check Bansos” menu, then enter regional data in the form of a province, district/city, sub-district, sub-district/village, and name according to ID card
  • After ensuring the data entered is correct, click the “Search Data” button.

The search system for the 2022 BBM BLT recipient list. Either through the Social Assistance Check application or the official website Will display the search results for the Ministry of Social assistance recipients based on the inputted data.

If the input data is include in the list of recipients. Information containing the recipient’s name, age, and type of assistance received will appear. Meanwhile, if the name you are watching for is not comprise in the social assistance recipient, the information “No Participant/PM” will appear.

How to record as a 2022 BBM BLT recipient

You can register or propose recipients of the 2022 BBM BLT social help over the Check Bansos application in the following ways:

  • Login or enter the Check http //cek bansos.siks.kemsos.go id with a registered account, then select the ‘Suggestion List’ menu
  • The account owner can register himself, his family, or the community in his environment
  • Fill in the population data of the person proposed or registered as the recipient of the 2022 BBM BLT. Such as family card number, name, place, and date of birth, as well as other required information.
  • After that, upload a selfie of the ID card and a photo of the house’s condition from the registered individual.
  • When the data entered is correct, click “Add Proposal,” and the BLT recipient proposal is complete.

You can wait for the Ministry of Social Affairs verification process, which will be sent to your email address.