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Information Technology Write For Us

information technology

Information technology  (IT) is the process of creating, storing, transmitting, and perceiving information and the methods of applying those processes. Many equate the concept with computer technology because it has developed more rapidly along with it.

Although the concept of information technology is considered identical to the ideas of computers and computer networks, the image of IT cannot be limited to computers.

Information technology is made up of components such as:

  • Software application and system tools
  • Organizational and methodological support
  • computer hardware

Why is information technology important?

Information technology helps build and grow the business sector and generate the highest possible returns. The time it takes for different sectors to generate business has been reduced to a minimum with the advancement of information technology:

  • It provides electronic security, storage, and efficient communication.
  • To carry out the work, this technology needs computer applications.
  • Computers connect computing with different organizations around the world.

On the other hand, they help the employees to keep the records of their many clients from various companies. It also allows patients to get in touch with doctors online and get advice about their health problems. Lastly, the system allows proper management of patient histories.

Stages of Information Technology Development

It is believed that computing began to develop after the advent of computers. But its history goes back to primitive times when people shared data through cave drawings.

Let’s look at the main stages of information technology development:

Manual computing

From antiquity to the second half of the 19th century. The leading information technology tools at that time were the pen, the book and the inkwell. The interaction between people was carried out by sending letters, and their main objective was to transmit information to the addressee so that they understood what was meant to be said.

Mechanical computing

late 19th century to the present. The tools are dictaphones, telephones, typewriters, and email. The objective and methods of communication are the same but more comfortable.

Electrical computing

This era is characterized by the appearance of the first computer hardware and software, electric typewriters, and portable voice recorders the emphasis on technology shifts from form to content.

Electronic computing (from the 70s to the present)

The computers of the time were increasingly sophisticated, and automated control systems (ACS) and information retrieval systems (IRS) were created. Emphasis is placed on creating meaningful information.

Computer science (from the 80s to the present)

The primary tool of this technology is the personal computer (PC) with a set of computer programs to perform tasks of different purposes.

Types of Information Technology

Information technology can be organize and classified according to different criteria. For example, based on their leading roles in society, we can distinguish between:

  • IT for data processing: The one used to solve process automation problems, calculate and predict results, and everything that involves recovering collected information.
  • Management IT: It is use to contain or distribute information and allow access to it by third parties, whether they are users or other computer systems.
  • Decision Support IT: It is use to support the exchange of data and decisions between one or more users and a computer system, such as the algorithm of a social network, for example, or access to a newspaper file requested by a user search.
  • IT Expert Systems: The one that is used to develop artificial intelligence and predictive systems (very advanced algorithms) that perform tasks impossible for the human mind and provide continuous support to different professional and daily scientific tasks

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