Overclocking your intel CPU, pushing your processor’s core to overclock beyond the factory setting, has been around for nearly as long as personal computers. And as a hobbyist activity, its processes and tools are almost constantly changing. However, now it’s easier than ever.

What is Overclocking?

Overclocking means exceeding your processor’s clock speed over its nominal limit. Clock speed is the number of cycles your CPU can complete in one second and measure in hertz. For example, a 4GHz processor can complete 4 billion clock cycles per second. While the clock speed doesn’t directly tell you how many instructions your CPU is running, it does give you an idea of ​​the relative number of instructions.

All things being equal, a 4GHz processor, for example, can complete more education than a 3.5GHz one. Due to things like processor style, age, and manufacturer, this isn’t always the case, but this is an excellent general rule of thumb and simplifies the purpose of overclocking. You can overclock to get higher clock speeds, allowing your processor to complete more instructions every second.

How to Overclock?

Can you overclock your CPU? Unfortunately, not all processors support overclocking. Instead, the CPU has an “unlocked multiplier” when it does.

One way to find out is to review the name of your CPU. Intel adds the letter “K” to overclockable processors like the Intel Core i7 9700K. In addition, all processors in the Intel “X” series (used mainly for professional multimedia) can overclock.

On the AMD side, there is nothing to worry about it. All modern AMD Ryzen CPUs are “unlocked” and can overclock. If you have an older model, you can do a quick Google search to see if it can overclock.

Theoretically,  any  CPU can overclock. But overclocking can only be done by increasing the base clock, namely the clock speed of your motherboard and your entire system ( including CPU,  RAM,  and PCI Express devices like sound cards or graphics cards). And just because you can overclock a CPU   doesn’t mean you should. If you take the technology too far, you can expect CPU stability issues.

The following sections explain how to level your system to check the actual performance of your CPU, stress test, check the temperature, and – finally – overclock your CPU.
Can I Overclock My Intel CPU?

Before you start, you should know if this is happening.

It is indeed possible to overclock your particular Intel CPU. Thank goodness this is very easy to find. There are two types of Intel processors: the overclocked versions and the overclocked K or X variant.

For example, I have Intel I7-7700K. It can overclock. The I7-7700, on the other hand, cannot be overclocked. If you are not sure what your model is, follow the steps below.

  • Open the Windows Start Menu.
  • Tip dxdiag.’
  • Click on dxdiag.
  • On the System tab, look for the processor.
  • You will see your processor name

Do you see the K or X in your CPU name? Then you’re good to go! If not, you’ll need to buy an overclockable CPU earlier.

What You Want To Overclock Your Intel CPU

Earlier you get started, you’ll need some software and hardware working in place to test everything. You will need the following.

The stock cooler CPU that came with your Intel isn’t great, and it won’t be enough to keep your CPU cool if you plan on it overclocking. Therefore, it is highly optional to buy a good aftermarket cooler.

Amazon has very affordable products. One popular option is the air-cooled Hyper 212 EVO. If you prefer

To achieve cooler temperatures, try the all-in-one water-cooled Corsair Hydro H100. Once you have a better cooler and software downloaded from above, it’s time to do a stress test to make sure everything is ok determined.

First of all, open Core Temp. Next, look at the far right turn of your taskbar – click the show hidden icons button.’

You will now see some changing numbers –they show the temperature of the cores in your CPU. An example gives above.

Unless your CPU is idle or running incredibly demanding tasks, you should aim for temperatures between 25 and 35 degrees Celsius. If you’re getting higher temperatures, you should consider cleaning or upgrading your cooler before attempting to overclock.

Overclocking your CPU will cause its temperature to increase, but if it gets too hot, its performance will drop to lower the temperature, or there may be stability issues that can crash your PC.

Next, open

Prime95. On the first boot, click just stress testing at the prompt. Select blend and then click OK. Your PC will now be subject to a stress test. All other programs may run slowly in this test, so you would close everything during this time.

It recommends doing the stress test for 5-10 minutes. During this time, you should monitor your CPU temperature with Core Temp. Your temperature should rise gradually.

The blending test works but eventually hits a wall and flattens out. This will gives you a rough idea of ​​how far you can take your CPU overclocking. Once this occurs, you can stop the test.

To stop the test, click Test’ at the top left in Prime95 and then click stop’. Ideally, you don’t want to go higher than 70 degrees Celsius. But, realistically, it’s possible. Once you overclock your CPU, temperatures will be higher than usual than the temperature you have now.


Choose Between Automatic and Manual Overclocking

Conditional on the motherboard producer, the BIOS may provide  Automatic Overclocking or  Overclocking  Level functionality. These options give you some overclocking support at safe levels, but the results are usually nothing special. Therefore, we recommend that you follow the manual approach outlined in the next step.


As mentioned earlier, these are pretty straightforward and straightforward methods of overclocking your CPU. However, know all the risks involved when overclocking a CPU. It can be a problem in the long run and even kill your CPU completely.