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Social Network Write For Us

social network

Social network are digital platforms that connect people with common interests, activities, or relationships  (such as friendship, kinship, or work). These platforms allow contact between the individuals composing them and function as a means of exchanging information. The information published by a user can be public or private.

Social networks and social media

We often speak of social networks and “social media” interchangeably, but in reality, they are different concepts.

  • We call “social media”  the use of digital technologies to make dialogue between people interactive. It is a broad concept, including social networking platforms such as Facebook or Twitter and videos, blogs, and other Internet sites that offer the possibility of interacting with other people.
  • Instead, social networks are a type of social media focused on connecting people with each other. Each user creates their profile and interacts with other people by sharing information.

Types of Social Networks

Personal social networks

Personal social networks are intended to connect individuals based on their connections. The most typical example is Facebook.

Entertainment social networks

In this type of social network, the primary function is not so much to interact with other people as to share content. For example, YouTube is a social network designed to share video content.

Professional social networks

Professional social networks are designed for networking, posting information about our resumes and achievements, getting a job, and other purposes related to the professional world. The best-known and used worldwide is LinkedIn.

Niche social networks

Finally, niche social networks aim at people with a specific interest in common, whether professional or personal. For example, DeviantArt is intended for visual artists to share their work and Goodreads for book recommendations.

It must be taken into account that while this classification is based on the original purpose of each network, in reality, many social networks offer flexibility in terms of their uses. For example, Instagram can be a personal, entertainment, or professional network.

Some most important social networks


Although in recent years, some think it has gone out of style, the truth is that Facebook’s dominance in active users is overwhelming: it exceeds  2.5 billion active users worldwide.

As it is a public social network, it can be adapted to the strategies of various brands, especially B2C. Another of its significant advantages is its demographic breadth since it has a broad user base. Of course, connecting with the younger audience may not be the most appropriate.


YouTube has more than  2 billion active users, and more than 1 billion videos are watched daily on this platform. Undoubtedly, it is the world leader in video format, one of the most exciting online marketing content types.

Uploading your videos to YouTube can offer you significant advantages in terms of visibility. In addition, it is a straightforward platform with multiple functionalities, such as live streaming. However, it is essential to be stood in mind that it is a network more oriented towards content consumption than interaction and that a large amount of content on it makes it very important to take care of positioning.


WhatsApp is the most popular social messaging network worldwide and has around  2 billion active users. It has had a significant influence worldwide, to the point that it has changed our communication.

The great strength of WhatsApp in online marketing is its speed and convenience as a customer service channel. Users positively value being able to contact brands through WhatsApp and quickly solve their problems. In return, as it is a messaging app, it is not the most suitable for strategies based on sharing content.

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